What defines ‘good fit’ when selecting a men’s suit?

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What defines ‘good fit’ when selecting a men’s suit?

men's suit

Have you ever wanted to look and feel your best on a special occasion? Whether it’s an important business meeting or the big day of your wedding, looking sharp is sure to leave the right first impression. And what better way to do that than with a custom-tailored suit? But before investing in one, certain factors should be taken into consideration.

We’re looking at these considerations in-depth today and exploring whether putting money down for a handcrafted suit is worth it and what defines a ‘good fit’ when selecting a men’s suit.

Read on to better understand all you need to know about making the right decision!

A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Perfect Men’s Suit that fits right

There’s nothing quite like finding a suit that fits perfectly for men. Whether you are looking for something formal or casual, selecting the right suit is essential to look sharp and feel confident. But what exactly defines a ‘good fit’ when selecting a men’s suit? Let’s dive into it.

The Jacket

Custom-tailored suits for men can be a daunting task to acquire, but it is certainly worth the effort. Regarding suits, the jacket is perhaps the most important piece of clothing.

Getting a perfect-fitting suit is an art, but it doesn’t have to be intimidating. To ensure your jacket fits like a glove and flatters your physique, Choosing one that properly fits should be a top priority; don’t let excess fabric ruin this masterful masterpiece!

Ensure that the jacket follows your body’s shape without being too tight or loose, and ensure that its shoulder line matches yours; if extra fabric is needed, it indicates an ill-fitting suit.

Additionally, the length should end just below your waistline – anything longer will appear outdated and out of style. Finally, pay attention to the buttons on your jacket – a slight tug means it was made for you! All these characteristics combined represent the perfect custom-tailored suit for men.

The Pants

The pants should fit comfortably around your waist and hips without bunching or sagging. Select trousers that fit snugly over your shoes; anything shorter will look sloppy and unprofessional.

As for hemming length, there are two options here: cuffless or cuffed trousers with 1-2 inches break above the shoe sole. Cuffless trousers are more classic and modern, whereas cuffed ones offer more flexibility in styling options but can look bulkier than their counterparts, depending on what type of shoes you plan to wear them with.


Finally, accessories play a key role in completing your ensemble and making it look put-together and sophisticated. Don’t forget to choose pieces that match well with your overall look and each other – think pocket squares, ties, lapel pins/brooches, etc.

Accessories can help you mix things up if needed, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors and combinations until you find something that works best for you!


Finding a men’s suit that fits perfectly can be tricky, but by following these tips, you can find one that looks great and feels comfortable every time! Pay attention to details such as shoulder lines, buttons, waist size, and hemlines when shopping for a new suit – this will ensure that everything looks tailored specifically for you while still providing plenty of room for maneuverability when wearing it! Also, remember accessories that complete any outfit – they can help add an extra touch of sophistication or personality depending on what type of look you’re going for, so make sure to pay attention to them during your search! Good luck!

At Andra Emilio, we are the connoisseurs of tailored clothing and understand how crucial it is to have a suit that fits properly and exudes poise. We consider all the minutiae and elements of a good-fit garment – from shoulder contours and proportions to the small details that add just the right touches – such as waistline adjustments, stitching details, or cuff preferences.

Our pioneering approach offers customers unprecedented customization options. At Andra Emilio, we are passionate advocates of custom-made suits, pairing creative couture cuts with classic engineering tailoring, allowing each customer to express their own impeccable style and obtain a perfectly fitted bespoke experience – one which cannot be replicated.

Whether someone prefers slim-line suit jackets or contemporary designs, at Andra Emilio, our team will collaborate for optimal results in order to ensure you look like a dashing gentleman every time you step out wearing your next custom-tailored suit from us.

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